Straight men and contradicting themselves.

The Female Handbook
2 min readApr 28, 2022

Honestly, this is why women can’t win and keep getting villainized.

If a woman wants a provider then they’re considered lazy leeches.

If a woman has a career and wants their own money they’re too masculine and don’t care about family.

If women are selective with their wombs and who they mate with they’re considered too picky and are gonna be alone forever.

Photo by on Unsplash

Then if women mate with anybody racial speaking, they’re considered the downfall of the community and choose bad. Especially with African American folk.

If something bad happens it’s the woman’s fault for not seeing the red flag and leaving. But also women can’t just leave at the first inconvenience they’re expected to stay and work it out.

Women are also expected to build their man up and guide him in life but also remember he’s the leader and guide even if women did everything

Men claim they’re best suited for power positions but can’t control their sexual urges. Want a woman who is sexually experienced but if she is too experienced she is called a h*e. Not to mention blame women for getting manipulated but can’t tell if their best friend's a rapist.

This isn’t everything but should go the length in reminding you to just do you girl. You can’t win so do whatever makes you happy but don’t forget to stay safe and not fully depend on a man. You might think you know someone but can not know what goes on in their heads or hearts. Thus before that ship sinks, insure thyself.

Photo by Sarah Cervantes on Unsplash

